Publications of the IT4BI-DC Candidates

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Ghrab, Amine, Sabri Skhiri, Hervé Koener, and Guy Leduc. "Towards a Standards-based Cloud Service Manager." In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2013, edited by Frédéric Desprez and others, 127-130. Aachen, Germany. SciTePress, 2013.
Ghrab, Amine, Sabri Skhiri, Salim Jouili, and Esteban Zimányi. "An analytics-aware conceptual model for evolving graphs." In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK'13, edited by Ladjel Bellatreche and Mukesh K. Mohania, 1-12. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 8057. Prague, Czech Republic. Springer, 2013.
Ghrab, Amine, Oscar Romero, Sabri Skhiri, Alejandro A. Vaisman, and Esteban Zimányi. "A Framework for Building OLAP Cubes on Graphs." In Proceedings of the 19th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2015, edited by Tadeusz Morzy, Patrick Valduriez and Ladjel Bellatreche, 63-76. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 9282. Poitiers, France. Springer, 2015.