Publications of the IT4BI-DC CandidatesFilters: First Letter Of Last Name is L [Clear All Filters]
An Approach for Alert Raising in Real-Time Data Warehouses." In Actes des 11es journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l'Analyse en Ligne, EDA 2015, edited by Esteban Zimányi, Stijn Vansummeren and Toon Calders, 145-160. Brussels, Belgium, 2015.
Capturing hotspots for constrained indoor movement." In Proceedings of the 21st SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, SIGSPATIAL 2013, edited by Craig A. Knoblock, Markus Schneider, Peer Kröger, John Krumm and Peter Widmayer, 462-465. Orlando, FL, USA. ACM, 2013.
Data Management in the MIRABEL Smart Grid System." In Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT Workshops, EDBT-ICDT'12, 95-102. Berlin, Germany. ACM, 2012.
A Data Warehouse Solution for Analyzing RFID-Based Baggage Tracking Data." In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM 2013, 283-292. Vol. 1. Milan, Italy. IEEE, 2013.
Database Evolution for Software Product Lines." In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications, DATA 2015, edited by Markus Helfert, Andreas Holzinger, Orlando Belo and Chiara Francalanci, 125-133. Colmar, Alsace, France. SciTePress, 2015.
Finding Dense Locations in Indoor Tracking Data." In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM 2014, edited by Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Christian Becker, Jadwiga Indulska, Mohamed F. Mokbel, Daniela Nicklas and Chi-Yin Chow, 189-194. Vol. 1. Brisbane, Australia, 2014.
Finding dense locations in symbolic indoor tracking data: modeling, indexing, and processing." Geoinformatica (2016).
A Framework for User-Centered Declarative ETL." In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, DOLAP 2014, edited by Il-Yeol Song, Alkis Simitsis and Alfredo Cuzzocrea, 67-70. Shanghai, China. ACM, 2014.
Materializing Baseline Views for Deviation Detection Exploratory OLAP." In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK 2015, edited by Sanjay Madria and Takahiro Hara, 243-254. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 9263. Valencia, Spain. Springer, 2015.
Modeling Large Time Series for Efficient Approximate Query Processing." In Proceedings of the DASFAA 2015 International Workshops, edited by An Liu, Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Tieyun Qian, Sarana Nutanong and Muhammad Aamir Cheema, 190-204. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 9052. Springer, 2015.
Online Risk Prediction for Indoor Moving Objects." In IEEE 17th International Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM 2016, Porto, Portugal, June 13-16, 2016, 102-111., 2016.
Quality Measures for ETL Processes." In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK 2014, edited by Ladjel Bellatreche and Mukesh K. Mohania, 9-22. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 8646. Munich, Germany. Springer, 2014.
Real-Time Business Intelligence in the MIRABEL Smart Grid System." In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Business Intelligence for the Real-Time Enterprise, BIRTE 2012, edited by Malu Castellanos, Umeshwar Dayal and Elke A. Rundensteiner, 1-22. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, number 154. Istanbul, Turkey. Springer, 2012.
Requirement-Driven Creation and Deployment of Multidimensional and ETL Designs." In Proceedings of the ER 2012 Workshops, edited by Silvana Castano, Panos Vassiliadis, Laks V. Lakshmanan and Mong-Li Lee, 391-395. Florence, Italy, 2012.
Searching for Patterns in Sequential Data: Functionality and Performance Assessment of Commercial and Open-Source Systems." In ER Workshops. Gifu, Japan. Springer Verlag, LNCS 9975, 2016.
Towards a Standards-based Cloud Service Manager." In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2013, edited by Frédéric Desprez and others, 127-130. Aachen, Germany. SciTePress, 2013.
Towards Integrated Data Analytics: Time Series Forecasting in DBMS." Datenbank-Spektrum 13 (2013): 45-53.
BabbleFlow: a translator for analytic data flow programs." In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2014, edited by Curtis E. Dyreson, Feifei Li and Tamer M. Özsu, 713-716. Snowbird, UT, USA. ACM, 2014.
CoDEL: A Relationally Complete Language for Database Evolution." In Proceedings of the 19th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2015, edited by Tadeusz Morzy, Patrick Valduriez and Ladjel Bellatreche, 63-76. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 9282. Poitiers, France. Springer, 2015.
POIESIS: A Tool for Quality-aware ETL Process Redesign." In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2015, edited by Gustavo Alonso, Floris Geerts, Lucian Popa, Pablo Barceló, Jens Teubner, Martín Ugarte, Jan Van den Bussche and Jan Paredaens, 545-548. Brussels, Belgium, 2015.
SCIT: A Schema Change Interpretation Tool for Dynamic-Schema Data Warehouses." In Proceedings of the 26th Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2015, 323-327. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 9093. Melbourne, VIC, Australia. Springer, 2015.
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