Publications of the IT4BI-DC CandidatesFilters: Author is Kai Herrmann [Clear All Filters]
Database Evolution for Software Product Lines." In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications, DATA 2015, edited by Markus Helfert, Andreas Holzinger, Orlando Belo and Chiara Francalanci, 125-133. Colmar, Alsace, France. SciTePress, 2015.
CoDEL: A Relationally Complete Language for Database Evolution." In Proceedings of the 19th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2015, edited by Tadeusz Morzy, Patrick Valduriez and Ladjel Bellatreche, 63-76. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 9282. Poitiers, France. Springer, 2015.
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